Hardware Assessment

We are called upon to conduct hardware assessments to fulfill customer evaluation requirements. These research assessments are for customers who seek to Identify and overcome embedded security features, validate component authenticity in support of supply chain investigations and assess vulnerabilities across multiple platforms.

Valence Vector Labs vulnerability testing relies on proprietary exploitation techniques supplemented by advanced capabilities not normally available at traditional digital forensic laboratories. Our mechanical engineering team, supported by state-of-the-art additive manufacturing tools and a sophisticated machine shop ensure rapid prototyping and replication of targeted devices.

Our engineers hold patents in thermal management and the design of novel methods in semiconductor probing, diagnosis, and failure analysis. When combined with our onsite high-resolution imaging capabilities and subject matter expertise in forensic chemistry, elemental analysis and DART mass spectroscopy - Valence Vector Labs is truly a “One-Stop-Shop.”

CASE: Valence Vector Lab’s US Government customers routinely request our examination of never-before-seen UAS and embedded hardware componentry. One such request to evaluate a never-before-seen uncrewed underwater vehicle (UUV) in support of a multi-government agency collaboration was received. Initial inspection revealed that previous attempts to access and extract data from the UUV were unsuccessful, resulting in the destruction of multiple traces between onboard microcontrollers and data exploitation pins. The VVL Team repaired the significantly damaged printed circuit board leading to the successful extraction of the microcontroller’s flash memory. This is one of many examples of how our experts overcome obstacles and get the job done.